Are you interested in helping further scientific research in human sexuality? Check below for studies currently accepting participants.
Sexual Assault Among University Students in Canada: A Minority Stress and Intersectional Perspective
Eligibility: At least 18 years of age and a current OR former student at a Canadian post-secondary institution (i.e., university/college)
This study investigates the experiences of sexual assault in university students, especially in situations that involve the consumption of alcohol/substances. We are interested in stress experienced in such incidents and how these connect to various identities that students may possess (e.g., sexual & racial identities).
Participation requires answering some demographic questions on the survey platform Qualtrics. You will then be asked to complete questionnaires assessing sexual assault exposure, alcohol use, drug use, overall physical and mental health, and experiences with minority stress. This study will take approximately 30 minutes of your time.
Exploring Dark Triad Traits & Facets of Sexuality
Eligibility: Open to all individuals at least 18 years old
The purpose of this study is to explore the Dark Triad personality traits (i.e., narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) and their links to sexuality-related factors.
Participation requires answering some questions about yourself (e.g., age, sexual orientation, and relationship status) on the survey platform Qualtrics. You will then be directed to answer questions about whether you have Dark Triad personality traits, about your participation in activities sometimes used to initiate sex - some which are sexually aggressive and coercive (e.g., "have you used a weapon to frighten someone into having sex?"), your sexual openness, self-perceived attractiveness, and mating dynamics. This study will take approximately 30 minutes of your time.
Exploring Partnered Sex Toy Usage Among Men
Eligibility: Males (cisgender men) at least 16 years of age who have had at least one (1) female (cisgender women) sexual partner
This study examines sex toy usage among males with female sexual partners. We know that a wide range of values and opinions contribute to men’s reasons for and against sex toy usage, and your participation will help us understand how these values and opinions shape behaviour.
Participation requires answering some questions about yourself (e.g., questions such as your age, sexual orientation, and relationship status) on the survey platform Qualtrics. You will then be asked to answer some questions regarding specific types of sex toys, about how you feel about your sexual ability and your genitals, and about your values associated with masculinity and attitudes toward women. This study will take approximately 20 minutes of your time. NOTE: You do NOT need to be a sex toy user to participate in this study.
Examining the Effects of Research Participation on Perceptions of Benefit and Cost
Eligibility: Open to anyone at least 16 years old
We are interested in the experiences, opinions, and cognitive abilities of individuals in sex-based research, as well as the costs and benefits of participation.
Participating requires answering some questions about yourself (e.g., demographic questions) on the survey platform Qualtrics. You will then be presented with a set of questions regarding your positive and negative emotions, followed by either sexuality and trauma-based experiences and opinions questionnaires, or questionnaires regarding your cognitive abilities and skills.​ The entire process will take approximately 20 minutes of time.
Investigating the
Gender Gap in Smiling Expressivity
Eligibility: Open to anyone at least 16 years old
This anonymous online study explores the gender gap in smiling expressivity and links to factors such as dominance and masculinity.
Participation requires answering some questions about yourself (e.g., questions such as your age, sexual orientation, and relationship status) on the survey platform Qualtrics. You will then be presented with a series of images and asked to evaluate them on measures of dominance, masculinity, and liking. Some participants will also be asked to provide their perception of these constructs in themselves.
This study will take approximately 20 minutes of your time and you can win one-of-three $50 Amazon cards.
Attitudes Toward Mental Health Disclosure Among Friends
Eligibility: Open to anyone at least 18 years old
We are interested in people’s reactions toward a friend’s mental health disclosure.
Participation requires first answering some demographic questions (e.g., age, gender). You will then be presented with a short vignette about a friend disclosing their current mental health struggles. After reading, you will be asked to answer a series of questions about your thoughts and feelings toward the friend, followed by some more questions about yourself.
This study will take approximately 20 minutes of your time and participants are eligible to enter into a draw to win one-of-four $25 Amazon gift cards.