The Observations and Research in Gender and Sexuality Matters Human Sexuality Lab (O.R.G.A.S.M Lab or O-LAB) in the department of Psychology at Kwantlen Polytechnic University was initially developed by Dr. Cory Pedersen in 2007 and became its established and productive form in late 2011. We have since become devoted to exploring the psychology of issues in human sexuality such as sexual orientation, commercial sex, and atypical sexuality in an effort to disseminate knowledge about these important topics in our society.
Topics of the O.R.G.A.S.M Lab also represent the diverse interests of our lab’s membership. Under the tutelage of Lab Director, Dr. Pedersen, the O.R.G.A.S.M. lab’s members have been able to turn their wide variety of gender and sexuality interests into original and innovative research studies. Please see individual descriptions of each of our lab members and their research interests both on this page and on our "Works" page.
The lab has been active for many years now and we’ve seen lab members move on to other adventures. All current members acknowledge the hard work of establishing this lab – and the previous research – contributed by past members. Please visit our "Alumni" page for further information.